Sunday 20 October 2013

The Speech: (Abhishek) Akshaya Patra Awareness Night 2nd October 2013 KPS Centre Harrow

Hi My Lovely Peeps,

This is the Speech i did in London, Harrow. Have a Listen.

I re-iterate again, I thank every single person who was involved in the A Smile for Millions 250 Mile Plus Bike Ride/ Run 2013. It was impossible to mention Everyone;s name.  WE all got together to raise money to feed 2 school's In India for a 1 year. This was only possible by the Grace of Maa Bhavani.

A special mention has been made to Vijay Chandegra  Viresh Barai Hema Barai Deepa Joshi (Shastri Krishan Joshi) ,and to my wife Radhika, and, i did mention my Strong Team of 30 Bike Rider;s , and 5 Runner's.

I am posting this Video Only in the Hope that other Children / Adults come forward and try raise money to provide a future for the Children In India.

Let's Stand Together, and Make a Change to someone else;s Life.
Bharat Mata Priya Ho.

Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog

SMILE Check the Number of Miles our Team Have Done

SMILE Donate to Feed a Child >>> you will be recipient to their Blessings no doubt

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