Friday 31 May 2013

" United to Help Others !"

" United to Help Others !"

Selected YouTube Video for II "United to Help Others !" II

Mohandas Pai's speech at Akshaya Patra Billionth Meal Celebration

It is very interesting listening to Mohandas Pai.

He mentions how they started off feeding 1500 children per day 12 years ago. Then they went onto feed 3000 children a day. Due to the support, Akshaya Patra are now able to feed 1.3 million Children per day.

He went on to say how The Indian Government has a partnership with Akshaya Patra to feed children.

He also mentions how ISKCON have been involved in supporting Akshaya Patra. ISKCON believe in supporting the community, (people are god),  hence their involvement.

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Today 31st May 2013, was II "Ravan" II Bike Ride.

Today 31st May 2013, was II "Ravan" II Bike Ride.

One of the Biggest Bike Rides today, and such a coincidental turning point , where we also have such a Holy Bike Ride Name.

It does not come as a surprise that we have II "Ravan" II as a Bike Ride name. II "Ravan" II is a very misunderstood player in the Ramayan. Need i say.more ... Morari Bapu has dedicated 10 whole Katha"s (1 katha consists of 9 days ) to the topic of II "Ravan" II. There are so many secrets in Ramayan which are spell bounding.

It was a lovely day, and we all got together and we pedalled to protest against Malnutrition.

We have new additions to the team:
Namratta Bedi joins II "Aranya Khand" II Group >>>Addition to Women Group
Neha B joins II "Kishkinda Khand" II Group
Simmi Prehar joins II " Sundar Khand" II Group >>>Addition to Women Group
Reva joins II "Aranya Khand" II Group (Sunita Choudhry)
Shastri Krishan Chandra joins II "Ayodhya Khand" II Group
Neha J joins II "Bal Khand" II Group
Om J Joins II "Uttara Khand" II Group
Dev J Joins II "Lanka Khand" II Group

The First Picture shows we are all ready with the Bikes in the back of the Van. Courtesy of Akaash Duggal, the handy man with the Van, we were able to conveniently get the Bikes to the Park. Many thanks Akaash ! Namratta , an addition to the Women's Team, show the team spirit, and showed courage to get on the Bike and ride some Miles.

All of us got together and we really worked hard.
I must say without the hard work of Radhika Jairath Kusam Duggal Sunita, Namratta, Simmi, Akaash, it would have been impossible to have get together. Everyone arrived on time and we did as many miles as we could.

We do hope to plan another day out and some more Bike Riding to Kick Hunger.

Let there be more children who finish the day with a nutritious meal.
Let there be more children that have a future.

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Thursday 30 May 2013

Today 30th May 2013 was II "Maricha" II Bike Ride. 100/ 200 Miles

Today 30th May 2013 was II "Maricha" II Bike Ride. Myself and Akaash Duggal pedalled to Protest against Malnutrition.

We all have to congratulate AKaash for Completing his goal of 100 Miles. Today Akaash did 9.32 miles , which took him past the 100 mile mark , and he now stands at 100.49 miles. Akaash has mentioned that he will carry on adding miles until the end of July. The Sky is the limit.

Funnily enough, we both were able to pass the century mark. I completed 19.24 miles which put me pass the 200 mile mark. I have another 50 miles to go.

I am hoping to add more people to the II "SiyaRam" II Bike Riding Team.. Anyone who has been added to the Team will have officially taken part in doing some Bike Ride Miles. Every Mile is a Protest against Hunger.

We Possibly have an addition to the Women category, and Children Category.

I look forward to updating you all with regard the developments for A Smile for Millions of Children AkshayaPatra 250 Mile Bike Ride

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Nuts About Kicking Hunger !

Nuts About Kicking Hunger !

Selected YouTube Video for II "Nuts About Kicking Hunger !" II

Touch of Your Heart -- The Akshaya Patra Foundation

Have a look at the Big Huge Cauldron's that make Rice for the Children Meals.
It is pure dedication in the Kitchen to make fresh nutritious food. See the pack containers that carry the fresh food. See how the containers are placed in the Akshaya Patra Mobile Van.

How is it that this Akshaya Patra programme is able to time in, time out be able to feed 1.3 million children a day successfully ??

They apply the successful template to all the Kitchens throughout India.

1. There is a lot of money invested with high technology equipment to make quality food

- A big massive cauldron shown in the video can cook rice for 600 children in 15 minutes.

2. Clock Work Precision is important. Everything has to be done ontime.  Work at the Akshaya Patra Kitchen Starts Early.

3. All the Staff at the Akshaya Patra Kitchen are dedicated to provide quality meals to children

Once the food is made, they are put into packed containers. The containers are loaded into customised Akshaya Patra vehicles, each which can transport the hot food for 5,000 children to various schools up to 45 miles from the Kitchen.

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Wednesday 29 May 2013

A Visit to Akshaya Patra Kitchen/ Plant in Vrindavan, UP , India in 2011

 I am glad to share with you a few photo's that were taken of the Akshaya Patra Kitchen/ Plant in Vrindavan, UP , India. when my mother  & sister @Jyoti visited the place in 2011.

The first photo shows a picture of the letter from Barack Obama to Akshaya Patra.

The second photo is an outside view of the Akshaya Patra Plant in Vrindavan.

The third photo is a picture of my mum having a sit down view of the Kitchen. :-)

The fourth photo shows another part of the kitchen where there are huge pans, and utensils.

The fifth photo shows a metal plate which was located at the side of a Chapati Making Machine.  As you can see , the information states that the Chapati Machine makes a maximum of 36,000 Chapati's an Hour.
It is a large volume of Chapati's !

The Sixth Photo is Akshaya Patra Worker demonstrating how the machine works

The Seventh & Eigth Photo - a close snap of some huge heavy machinery

The Ninth Photo  - Another Picture of a Roti Making Machine .

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Monday 27 May 2013

Leading the way _ The Akshaya Patra Foundation UK !

Leading the way _ The Akshaya Patra Foundation UK !

Selected YouTube Video for II "Leading the way _ The Akshaya Patra Foundation UK !!!" II

Akshaya Patra Foundation - Automatic Chapati Making Machine

Please have a look at the way Akshaya Patra Kitchen's make Chapati. See the roaring gas , and look how the machinery cuts out the Chapati, and the final result - The process is fast, and economical. It is important for them to produce Chapati's in large volumes as there are many Children to feed. When the clock starts, those Chapati's need come out fast in a reliable way. They use high technology to produce quality Chapati's for the Children.

On 26th May 2013 , Akaash Duggal also did some Bike Miles. Well done Akaash ! Akaash is getting very near to his goal of 100 miles. Keep it up !

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26th May 2013 was II "Shankar' II Bike Ride.

26th May 2013 was II "Shankar' II Bike Ride. So, anyone who was riding on this day , i believe would be very lucky to be Riding under such Name... I am so proud of Viresh Barai , Hema Barai , and of Course, Hetal. Hema ji set the record straight and showed that not just men can do Bike Ride. Hail to II "Equality" II. Women are as strong as men .Women have equal importance, or very much more. I congratulate the Barai family in supporting myself, and all the other II "SiyaRam" II Bike Rider's on the team. We are all in it together. You humbly accepted to be part of this, and really appreciate this. This is a note to be taken. If we all get involved, it makes it easier to help others. This amazing joint effort speaks volume. This is just a start, and hope we can all help other's together to make a difference. This time it really has worked , and is no surprise.

Viresh ji, Hema ji and Hetal did 27 miles in total together. Every mile represents protest against Malnutrition. Every child must be able to have a nutritious meal every day.
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Sunday 26 May 2013

25th May 2013, II "Gauri" II Bike Ride : Part 2

Again on the 25th May 2013, II "Gauri" II Bike Ride, myself and Vaidehi went to a Park in Bury to clock some miles. This was a challenging Bike Trail for Vaidehi. She put her effort in and went all the way. We did 4.53 miles in total.

Have a look at Vaidehi in action!

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On 25th May 2013, II "Gauri" II Bike Ride : Part 1

On 25th May 2013, II "Gauri" II Bike Ride, i finally got round to meeting up with Bike Rider's Reeya and Ansh. For our Campaign to Captivate Malnutrition, Reeya and Ansh were able to complete 5.87 miles on the day. We found an amazing Park to do our Bike Ride. Parrfold Park is a very suitable place for Bike Riding. It was an interesting trail indeed. We all enjoyed the Bike Ride.

Please have a look at Reeya, and Ansh in action!

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Saturday 25 May 2013

Action to Kick Hunger

Action to Kick Hunger

Selected YouTube Video for II "Action to Kick Hunger !!!" II

Watch the Video and See RSp Javed Akhtar Commending Shankar Mahadevan as being Ambassador for such a good cause, and he also mentions that is ok to say it is a wonderful organisation which feeds over 1 million children a day, but we must also support Akshaya Patra too !

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Friday 24 May 2013

Today 24th May 2013 was II "NishaadRaj Guha" II Bike Ride. Part 3

Today 24th May 2013 was II "NishaadRaj Guha" II Bike Ride. Part 3

On 22nd May 2013 II "Vashishta" II Bike Ride , i did 16 miles , and then today i clocked 9.43 miles. So within a week i have completed approx 25 miles.

The Biker Rider Aashish from II "Aranya Khand" II , and Janesh from II "Sundar Khand" II both managed to do 0.67 miles to voice out their protest against Malnutrition.

After Aashish had finished his II "NishaadRaj Guha" II Bike Ride, he decided to give some time to a Neighbour's Dog. A very cute dog indeed!

Overall the II "SiyaRam" II Bike Riding Team has Clocked upto 400 Power Miles. Amazing !! . There is still a projected 840 miles and possibly more as a whole. So we are nearly half way through, but still there is more potential , more opportunities to discover.

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II "NishaadRaj Guha" II Bike Ride. Part 2

Today 24th May 2013 was II "NishaadRaj Guha" II Bike Ride.  Part 2

More photo's of Philip's Park.

1st Photo is a view of the Tree's Above. It was a Nice Moment looking up.

2nd Photo - Lovely Scenic Pose

3rd Photo - I am blessed to see 4 Mother Cow's Grazing on Grass

4th Photo- from where i am standing at Philips Park, i can see the Tall Standing Hilton Hotel Building, can you see it ?

5th Photo- Pointers in the Park - which way to go next!

to be continued...

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Today 24th May 2013 was II "NishaadRaj Guha" II Bike Ride. Part 1

Today 24th May 2013 was II "NishaadRaj Guha" II Bike Ride.

I was able to take a few photo's of my Cycling Route.

1st Photo shows the "Dreaded Hill" that i have to come across !! It really is a tough cookie !.

2nd Photo shows the little pathways through the Park. It really is different to the normal pathways.

3rd Photo shows the River to the side of the Pathway.

4th Photo shows an area of the park where it is so quiet and looks very scenic.

5th Photo shows a part of the park which seems not heavily used at all, luscious green ... to be continued..

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II "Malnutrition _ Must Stop !!!" II

Malnutrition _ Must Stop !!!

Selected YouTube Video  for II "Malnutrition _ Must Stop !!!" II

Watch the Video and See RSp Shankar Mahadevan in a Akshaya Patra Mobile Van.
""Ode to Billion" by Shankar Mahadevan and Javed Akthar for The Akshaya Patra "

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Wednesday 22 May 2013

Today 22nd May 2013, was II "Vashishta" II Bike Ride. II @Safe Bike Riding

Yesterday 21st May 2013 was II "Atri" II Bike Ride. Aran did 4 miles. Well done again. :" Today 22nd May 2013, was II "Vashishta" II Bike Ride. I ended up doing extra miles today. I Biked all the way to Akaash Duggal's House for the first time which was fun. From there we took a different route. This route was really good. I really discovered a part of 'Bury' that i have never seen before.
The first picture shows the 1st leg of our Bike Ride.
The second picture shows a lovely Artifacture which i saw at the park we went to in Bury.

This location is really good for cycling. I look forward to using this route for the children because it is really safe. This is important to have a very safe Bike Ride. @Safe Bike Riding for A Smile for Millions of Children Akshaya Patra 250 Miles Plus Bike RIde 2013.

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Monday 20 May 2013

We now have a total of £2611.12 for The Akshaya Patra Foundation

Our Last Donation has allowed us to break past our first set target of £2,500. We now have a total of £2611.12. I have confirmed that this contributes to sponsor 1 School. WELL Done to you all! OUR next target is to reach £5,000 so we can sponsor another school ! Let’s Ride to make a change.

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We have another addition to the II "Ayodhya Khand" II group,

Developments for A Smile for Millions of Children 250 Miles Plus Bike Ride 2013. We have another addition to the II "Ayodhya Khand" II group, II "SiyaRam" II Bike Rider , Krishna from London. Krishna joins Aneet , Ansh, & Syum. Krishna will attempt 150 Miles for the A Smile for Millions 250 Mile Plus Bike Ride Akshaya Patra 2013.

This increases the number of Biker Rider's to 25.
We now have 2 Women on the Team.

We have Krishna on our Side !, as an official representative in the Team, and we also Lord Krishna on our Side too no doubt.!!
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