Wednesday 29 May 2013

A Visit to Akshaya Patra Kitchen/ Plant in Vrindavan, UP , India in 2011

 I am glad to share with you a few photo's that were taken of the Akshaya Patra Kitchen/ Plant in Vrindavan, UP , India. when my mother  & sister @Jyoti visited the place in 2011.

The first photo shows a picture of the letter from Barack Obama to Akshaya Patra.

The second photo is an outside view of the Akshaya Patra Plant in Vrindavan.

The third photo is a picture of my mum having a sit down view of the Kitchen. :-)

The fourth photo shows another part of the kitchen where there are huge pans, and utensils.

The fifth photo shows a metal plate which was located at the side of a Chapati Making Machine.  As you can see , the information states that the Chapati Machine makes a maximum of 36,000 Chapati's an Hour.
It is a large volume of Chapati's !

The Sixth Photo is Akshaya Patra Worker demonstrating how the machine works

The Seventh & Eigth Photo - a close snap of some huge heavy machinery

The Ninth Photo  - Another Picture of a Roti Making Machine .

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