Tuesday 7 May 2013

2 New Additions to "SIYARAM" AkshayaPatra Bike RIder Team, Aneet & Jay.

I am also introducing Aneet & Jay who have Joined "SIYARAM" AkshayaPatra Bike Ride Team. Aneet is at the far left, and Jay is In Blue Trousers. We also have Vaidehi & Aashish in the picture. I can hear an army of Children, ready to help beat , and Kick the Hunger far away, so that children can receive food and education. It really is a beautiful experience to see the Children Excited to help other Children.

The Akshaya Patra Foundation is currently providing mid-day meal to more than 9000 Government schools and Government-aided schools. These schools are spread across 19 locations in 9 states of India. It is strategically scaling up its operations to reach other locations too, so as to feed more and more children in India.

SMILE :-) Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog


SMILE :-) Check the Number of Miles our Team Have Done :-)

SMILE :-) Donate to Feed a Child >>> you will be recepient to their Blessings no doubt :-)


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