Monday 27 May 2013

26th May 2013 was II "Shankar' II Bike Ride.

26th May 2013 was II "Shankar' II Bike Ride. So, anyone who was riding on this day , i believe would be very lucky to be Riding under such Name... I am so proud of Viresh Barai , Hema Barai , and of Course, Hetal. Hema ji set the record straight and showed that not just men can do Bike Ride. Hail to II "Equality" II. Women are as strong as men .Women have equal importance, or very much more. I congratulate the Barai family in supporting myself, and all the other II "SiyaRam" II Bike Rider's on the team. We are all in it together. You humbly accepted to be part of this, and really appreciate this. This is a note to be taken. If we all get involved, it makes it easier to help others. This amazing joint effort speaks volume. This is just a start, and hope we can all help other's together to make a difference. This time it really has worked , and is no surprise.

Viresh ji, Hema ji and Hetal did 27 miles in total together. Every mile represents protest against Malnutrition. Every child must be able to have a nutritious meal every day.
Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog

SMILE Check the Number of Miles our Team Have Done

SMILE Donate to Feed a Child >>> you will be recepient to their Blessings no doubt

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