Monday 13 May 2013

Today 13th May 2013 was II "Ahalya" II Bike Ride.

Today 13th May 2013 was II "Ahalya" II Bike Ride. II "SiyaRam" II Bike Rider Keiran was the only 1 who did some "Kick The Hunger" - Bike Riding. He completed 0.89 miles today. God bless him. II Picture 1 -We now have an official picture of Both Krish and Keiran. They are more than raring to go with their Bike Kit on. II Picture 2 -We have a picture of Keiran lying on the grass after doing his 13th May II "Ahalya" II Bike Ride. Keiran was the only Bike Rider who was able to ride under the II "Ahalya" II Bike Ride Title. Lucky Boy!! Indeed.

Another Development is , we have 2 New Bike Rider's who join the II "SiyaRam" II Bike Riding Team.

We have Vaidehi & Rishi from Leicester . It really is good news to have these Young Vibrant Children on Board the Team. Can you believe we now have
** 2 Vaidehi's ** and we also have ** 2 Reeya's ** in the team .

I was at school and found these really lovely words.

II Picture 3 - Enthusiasm - to help other Children
Patience to help others
Responsibility to help others
Caring for others
Helpfulness to others
Respect Others

II Picture 4 - This is another Inspiring few words -" We All Stand Together"
Amazing . Amazing , "We All Stand Together" is what we need to help others.

II Picture 5 - This is the Updated II 'SiyaRam" II Team Tree (as Akaash Duggal Janesh) calls it !!

Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog

SMILE Check the Number of Miles our Team Have Done

SMILE Donate to Feed a Child >>> you will be recepient to their Blessings no doubt

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