Saturday 4 May 2013

A New Addition to the "SiyaRam" Bike Ride Team Akshaya Patra 2013 -

4th May 2013 II Dashrath II - Bike Ride - This is the first time Janesh has joined the "SiyaRam" Bike Ride Team to Clock some Miles to Kick Hunger.  He certainly did well on his first Bike Ride. Aashish, Janesh & Vaidehi did 0.67 mile today. It was a Children Bike Ride today. God bless you guys xxx

Smile :-) Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog

Smile :-) Check the Number of Miles our Team Have Done :-)

Smile :-) Donate to Feed a Child >>> you will be recepient to their Blessings no doubt :-)

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