Tuesday 30 July 2013

We can sponsor another School > Target £7,500

Update : Today 30th July 2013,II "Tadaka" II Bike Ride , Tash Chadda also did some miles. He has rocked the boat as normal, and has done 27 miles.

I have updated the spreadsheet. Well Done to him. He has 30 miles to go , to reach his target of 400 miles. I am very sure he will complete his target.
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Today 30th July 2013, is II "Tadaka" II Bike Ride.

Today 30th July 2013,  is II "Tadaka" II Bike Ride. Myself , (AJ Abhishek )& Akaash Duggal when out to Protest against Children Hunger.

Kusam Duggal has Braved it again to provide me another Bike Ride Name. TOday 30TH July 2013 is II "Tadka" II Bike Ride.

We both clocked 7.86 miles.

Update : Today 30th July 2013,II "Tadaka" II Bike Ride , Tash Chadda also did some miles. He has rocked the boat as normal, and has done 27 miles.

I have updated the spreadsheet. Well Done to him. He has 30 miles to go , to reach his target of 400 miles. I am very sure he will complete his target.

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We have all got together , and we have reached £5,000.

Baal Kaand – Doha 105Param ramya girivar kailāsu |sadā janhā shiv umā nivāsu ||परम रम्य गिरिवर कैलासु |सदा जहाँ शिव उमा निवासु || Of all mountains the most charming and the best is kailasa,Where Shiva and Uma eternally dwell.

We have all got together , and we have reached £5,000. Shelly Jairath and family have put the final topping on the cake.

Keval SKK.

We all are now able to Sponsor the 2 Schools, where Children will be able to have nutritious meals, and then further, be able to concentrate and study.

When i was doing my Bike Ride,
because i was able to share my activities with you, because of the likes that you gave, because there were people to stand with me,

"You" Lovely People, Motivated me. Your Blessings, really Helped! I love you all for your Support.

This is not my Project, But this was a community Drive to Kick Hunger, and the Manchester, London, India , USA People have got together to support a future for children in India.

There is still monies coming in, and i am sure. any further donations will also feed more children.

We still have II "SiyaRam" II Team active until 31st July- myself will be going on my Bike Tonight and Tommorow, for a short while to support the cause till the end.

I can also Summise and Point to The Biggest Power Master who is behind and above us at all time, who , without , this could not be possible. I cant contemplate that things can happen without the Grace of Sad Guru.

All Prayers To The Supreme, And we Bow down to their Grace , Blessings, and Karuna.

Let"s all stand together, To Kick Hunger. We all stand to Make a Change.

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Monday 29 July 2013

On 29th July 2013, II "Krsna" II Bike Ride

On 27th July 2013, II "Brahma" II Bike Ride, Tash Chadda went on his Super Bike, Saturday Evening to clock up 13 miles. He finished into the early hours of 28th July 2013. Tash wrote " Just finished 13 miles, Absolutely Drenched. Clothes are soaking wet! 303 miles done ! Shattered!.

My Reply was " OMG ! , uR Crazy !! Tash.

Again, On Sunday 28th July 2013 II "Garuda" II Bike Ride, Tash completed 40 miles. Tash tagged along with Sandeep Tandön (Setubandh- building a bridge of relations) . Sandeep Bowled over 36 miles.

I congratulate @Tash for achieving a third century of Bike Miles. Superb achievement, in such short time. Eager to Kick hunger.

On 29th July 2013, II "Krsna" II Bike Ride, Archna Gohil put on her Super Trainers to complete 8.4 miles. Well done to Archna !!

Archna has climbed upto 34.63 miles.
Sandeep has nozzled 298.85 miles.
Tash has thrashed upto 343 miles.

Tash has 57 miles before he completes his 4th Century of Bike Riding....

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Sunday 28 July 2013

The Amount Left to Reach our Target is @£284.88 !

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25th July 2013 II "Narad" II Bike Ride.

Tash Chadda did 14 miles on the 25th July 2013. This day is to be named II "Narad" II Bike Ride.

On 27th July 2013 II"Brahma" II Bike Ride, Tash & Sandeep Tandön also went on their Bikes. Sandeep has now completed his target of 250 miles. Many congratulations to him. It was sheer effort on his side to complete his goal to kick hunger. He surely has achieved his Goal.

Tash has been Bike Riding way into the early hours of the morning. Tash did a 31 mile Bike Ride Stunt on 27th July.

In total Tash has a total of 289 miles. Tash still has a goal to achieve 400 miles. Let's Go !!! Come on Tash, you can do it !!  Sandeep has gone over his target by 12.85 miles, bringing his total to 262.85 miles.

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Saturday 27 July 2013

II "Mama, Bhanjaa" II - On 26th July 2013, II "Brahma" II Bike Ride

II "Mama, Bhanjaa" II - On 26th July 2013, II "Brahma" II Bike Ride , myself and my nephew took to our Bikes to Protest against Hunger !. Vikram had only just landed in the UK on 24th July 2013, to visit us all. Vikram most warm heartedly accepted the challenge to a Bike Ride for a good cause. Vikram becomes a new member of the team. He joins the II "Bal Khand" II Team,

The Bike Ride name was chosen by Vikram himself. Many thanks Vikram Bajaj.

The Link below is a short footage of Vikram doing his Bike Ride.


Vikram was able to complete a 4.91 mile Bike Ride on this day. Hats off to him. He mentioned that he thoroughly enjoyed the experience of Bike riding , and if he got the chance again, he would love to do it again.

I was able to complete 14.22 miles.

I add a few photo's of Vikram on his Bike. Many thanks to Akaash Duggal for lending his Bike. I decided on going on the "Kirklees Trail" which Akaash had shown me a couple of months ago, because it is such a safe, scenic, challenging , non-stop , robust, route.

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Friday 26 July 2013

31ST July 2013 is the final day for our AkshayaPatra Bike Ride / Run.

A Smile for Millions of Children AkshayaPatra 250 Miles Plus Bike Ride/ Run 2013

31ST July 2013 is the final day for our AkshayaPatra Bike Ride / Run.

Let's Kick Hunger together :

Donation's are coming still , Do we get to sponsor 2 school's ? Let's See

On 1st August 2013, i will release the official number of Participants that were involved in the AkshayaPatra BikeRide Run.

All Participant's , whether they did 1 mile or Hundred's of Miles, can all say that they took the initiative to Help Kick Hunger, and through the Grace of Bhagwati Maa, we were all able to sponsor 1 Whole School or , if the case maybe, 2 Schools, where Children will be recipient to Nutritious Meals, so they are able to concentrate, and make the most of the education that they receive.

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Wednesday 24 July 2013

An official letter from Harin Thaker (Chairman of The Akshaya Patra Foundation ) with regards the Deaths in Bihar

I have authorisation to share an official letter that was addressed from Harin Thaker (Chairman of The Akshaya Patra Foundation ).

This letter is in response to the unfournate deaths of 25 children aged between 4 & 12 Yrs old, in Bihar.

Akshaya Patra Foundation does not supply food in Bihar. The letter goes onto say that Akshaya Patra has Compliance with ISO22000, Has good manufacturing practices, Supplier Quality Management, Quality Control, and Stores Best Practices. In light of what has happened, Akshaya Patra send their condolences to the families involved. There is mention about how Akshaya Patra is thankful for all the support that they get, and they are still targeting to feed 5 million children by 2020.

Communication is important, and i find Akshaya Patra are doing all they can to communicate, their moral responsibility, understanding, and sensitivity to what has happened.

I also attach an article from the New York Times : By  Shoba Narayan: Please read if possible.

The New York Times Article highlights how the Mid Day School Lunch can go all wrong Simply because of Corruption. Schools providing the food are not checking the Quality of the Food etc. The article mentions, that hopefully, a panel will be set up to make sure that this does not happen again ,??

It is yet to be seen.

As far as Akshaya Patra Foundation is concerned, Quality of food is very important, and they have many processes in place to make sure the Children get a nutritious meal every School Day.

Today is 24th July 2013, II "Mandvi" II Bike Ride. II "Mandvi" II is daughter of KIng II "Janak" II ,

Today is 24th July 2013, II "Mandvi" II Bike Ride. II "Mandvi" II is daughter of KIng II "Janak" II , Wife of  II "Bharat" II. Aashish went for his short 10 minute Bike Ride. He did 0.30 miles. God bless him.

At 2207 hrs , this evening, i went out in my flip flop's , and did a Bike Ride. I did 1.18 miles in total. As were coming towards the end of our campaign, i am not doing huge Bike Ride Miles, but, i will contniue to do these short trips to keep wheels in motion. Like i say, any small amount makes a difference. We are all submitting our efforts at the feet of Bhagwati Maa, and as a result, they have the responsibility for everything that is happening.

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Tuesday 23 July 2013

Today 23rd July 2013, is II "Tulsidas" II Bike Ride.

Today 23rd July 2013, is II "Tulsidas" II Bike Ride. Many thanks to Kusam Duggal for responding to my facebook status. I appreciate your response. I appreciate your invaluable input again. The name you chose was just so appropiate. God bless you and family xx.

In protest to raise voice against Hunger, after 13 days, i set off on my Bike again. I was able to cross into my 3rd century of Bike Riding. Yes, 300 miles of Bike riding since 5th April 2013. It is a serious step to take action against the huge gap in disposable income for families in India. There are many families who can't afford to send their child to school with a packed lunch.

The Akshaya Patra Foundation bridges the gap to provide a mid-day meal, a nutritious meal, a pure, healthy meal, so that children can concentrate on their studies.

I went into Philips Park again, and i saw an advertisement for Recycling Bikes.


Anyone living in the Manchester region, and wants to recycle their Bike, then have a look at the link.

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Sunday 21 July 2013

On 20th July 2013, II "Shrutkirti" II Run 2013

Update : On 20th July 2013, II "Shrutkirti" II Run 2013, Archna Gohil, and Piya, both ran 4.8 miles. It was a first time Run for Piya. Archna advised that it was an approximate 50 minute run, and it was Start and Stop, but Mother Daughter thoroughly enjoyed the experience to Kick Hunger.

I heart warmingly applaud Piya's effort to Kick Hunger. God bless you.

Piya has been added to the II "Uttara Khand" II Team. We should all welcome Piya to the Team.

Har Har MahaDev !!

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Today, 21st July 2013, is II "Himachal" II Bike Ride.

Just to remind you all, on 15th July 2013, II "Vaidehi" II Run 2013, Archna Gohil completed 5.7 miles Run. Way to Go ! Archna has completed 21.43 miles already. This is a huge achievement given that she is running and not Biking. Moving on to Today, 21st July 2013, Akaash Duggal and Sandeep Tandön completed 31.78 miles. Today, 21st July 2013, is II "Himachal" II Bike Ride. The Boy's, Akaash in II "Uttara Khand" II Group , and Sandeep in II "Lanka Khand" II Team, have certainly reached new Heights under II "Himachal" II Bike Ride. Tash Chadda has just updated me. He has racked upto 244 miles. Tash has gone from 167 miles to 244 miles. This is an increase of 77 miles.

Hunger, be scared , because the Team are Building up the Heat.

Sandeep is very close to his target >>> He has achieved 239.09 miles. His target is 250 Miles. I am sure he will achieve this.

Akaash had set out to do 100 miles, but he has gone strength on strength, and he has acheived 204.32 miles. Congratulations for achieving your 2nd Century. !!!

All the energy that has been used will not go to waste. This energy is submitted in the feet of Bhagwati Maa. I am sure Maa Ambe will smile , and in turn , the Children will smile. Mata Di Priya Ho ! Shree Radha Priya Ho.

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Monday 15 July 2013

Today is 15th July , II "Vaidehi" II Bike Ride / Run.

Today is 15th July , II "Vaidehi" II Bike Ride / Run. Many thanks to Anu Bajaj for choosing the name. Many thanks for your input. Akaash Duggal has been the only confirmed Participant for today. He raked upto 13 miles. Well done !

Peep"s- AkshayaPatra Bike Ride And Run A Smile for millions of Children Donation Website is now up and running! so there is no excuse now ! not to donate,

A slight hiccup from my side!
So lets get the motion of Kick Hunger and Let"s Donate

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Sunday 14 July 2013

Today is 14th July 2013. II "Subaahu" II Bike Ride.

Please note : The Donation Page is showing Expired : Hopefully by tommorow the site will be up and running: Sorry to all for the inconvenience:

On 12th July 2013, the Bike Ride was named II "Sursa" II. Tash Chadda rode 12 miles.

On 13th July 2013, Bike Ride was named II "Mandodari" II . ( II"Mandodari" II is wife of Ravan). . Akaash Duggal took to his Bike and completed 12 miles. Sandeep Tandön did 11.16 miles, & @Tash Chadda did 27 miles. This is the biggest number of bike Miles that anyone in the team has done in 1 go. Well done again.

Also to add to our Women Power :  @Subha Chaddha - (Tash) will be added to the team. On 13th July 2013, Subha did 4 Bike Miles. We should applaud Subha in her efforts to join the Campaign against Hunger.

Subha joins the II "Kishkinda" II Group.

Today is 14th July 2013. II "Subaahu" II Bike Ride. Sandeep Tandon did 25.43 miles today. He has beaten the record held by AJ Abhishek of 23.21 miles (maximum number of miles done in 1 go), but since 13th July 2013, Tash holds the new record. It is good that we are all striving to Kick Hunger with some passion.

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Wednesday 10 July 2013

Hanuman Naatak ( Written By II “Hanuman” II ), as mentioned in Manas Panchavati by Morari Bapu

Hanuman Naatak ( Written By II “Hanuman” II ), as mentioned in Manas Panchavati by Morari Bapu in July 2012 S.Africa. A Dialogue Between II “Lakshman” II & II “Ram” II. 

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19 Locations across 9 States of India - >> Vrindavan + Chennai

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10th July 2013, was called II "Jalandhar"II Bike Ride .

10th July 2013, was called II "Jalandhar"II  Bike Ride . I (Abhishek) managed to squeeze in 1.74 miles Bike Riding.

Please see the attacthed Photo.

Target >> £5000.00 to feed a 2nd school. >> we have raised £4,521.37

By Defining Our goal, we can aspire to achieve it. It makes it clearer on what we want to achieve. We can strive to hopefully reach the target. Let’s get together, and we may be able to sponsor another School. This will be great for the children out there. 

Let’s get the Literacy Rates up By providing food , and let’s reduce Malnutrition.

So,  the amount left to reach our Target  >> £453.63

Let's take the opportunity to frazzle away at this £453.63 , which is left , to be able to sponsor another school.

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19 Locations across 9 States of India - >> Jaipur + Nathdwara & Baran

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Tuesday 9 July 2013

19 Locations across 9 States of India - >> Puri+ Nayagarh

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8th July 2013 was named as II "Kausalya" II Bike Ride.

8th July 2013 was named as II "Kausalya" II Bike Ride. Archna Gohil took the courage to Run in the very hot weather we have been having, only because she wants to bring a Smile to Millions of Children. Archna completed a 3.73 mile Run. Also, Tash Chadda did a huge 14 mile Bike Ride. Well done to you both.

Tash has updated me with his Bike Ride Miles. There are some days that i have added onto the spreadhsheet that have not been named, where Tash did a Bike Ride. 23rd June 2013. 7th July 2013,

23rd June 2013 has been named II "Suresh" II Bike Ride
7th July 2013 has been named II "Indra" II Bike Ride.

I include a Picture Shot of Tash's Bike Ride Miles ever since he started.


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Monday 8 July 2013

19 Locations across 9 States of India - >> Mysore+ Vansthapura

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5th July is to be called II " KalaNemi" II Bike Ride.

Shailen Seth rocked another 26 miles. He Bike RIded on 29th June, 30th June, 1st July, 2nd July, 3rd July , and 5th July 2013.

5TH July 2013 was the only day that no one had Rided or did a Run.

So, 5th July is to be called II " KalaNemi" II Bike Ride. Kala-Nemi is said to be uncle of Ravana.

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Saturday 6 July 2013

19 Locations across 9 States of India - >> Hubli + Mangalore

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19 Locations across 9 States of India - >> Guwahati + Bhilai

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Yesterday, 6th July 2013, was II "Khar-Dhushan" II Bike Ride / Run.

Yesterday, 6th July 2013, was II "Khar-Dhushan" II Bike Ride / Run. Sandeep Tandön, took to his Bike , early in the morning, and completed 15.16 miles. Tash Chadda also did 15 miles !. Manoranjan Satpathy went on a Run, and bagged 4.3 miles.

Including Bike Ride Miles, and the Running Miles, II "SiyaRam" II Team has completed 1027.22 miles.

1027.22 MILES is an incredible amount of miles. The amount of energy that was used to complete these miles will not go to waste. God & Astitva (The Existence) is witnessing the effort's.

All this energy is for one cause. It is to feed the Children. Feeding the Children will provide many individuals a future.

On a daily basis , we submit these "Prem Aahuti " Miles to Bhagwati Maa. Hai Maa, you provide Shelter, You provide everything. Bless all of us , so that we can do more for everyone out there, not just now, but for all times.

The Bike Clock shows Tash's total number of miles he has done upto now !.

Manoranjan's Running Route : Didsbury Clyde Road - Chorlton Water Park, Manchester.  Via Mercy River side. 4.3 miles. I thank Manoranjan ji for taking some photo's of his route.

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Friday 5 July 2013

2nd July 2013 II "Manthara" II Bike Ride

Update :
Tash Chadda gave me an update on the number of miles he did , and it emerges, we have not named those day's. I have taken the opportunity to the Name the Bike Ride's again. 1 of the Bike Ride's named by Rupeen.

Here we are: the extra date's that were added to the spreadsheet, and the New Bike Ride Name's :

30th June 2013 II "Meghanaad" II Bike Ride :10.2 miles by Tash :  Named By Rupeen Popat : many thanks again for your invaluable input.

1st July 2013 II "Saraswati" II Bike Ride :10.2 miles by Tash : named by Aj Abhishek

2nd July 2013 II "Manthara" II Bike Ride : 10.2 miles by Tash : named By AJ Abhishek

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19 Locations across 9 States of India - >> Gandhinagar + Vadodara

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