Tuesday 23 July 2013

Today 23rd July 2013, is II "Tulsidas" II Bike Ride.

Today 23rd July 2013, is II "Tulsidas" II Bike Ride. Many thanks to Kusam Duggal for responding to my facebook status. I appreciate your response. I appreciate your invaluable input again. The name you chose was just so appropiate. God bless you and family xx.

In protest to raise voice against Hunger, after 13 days, i set off on my Bike again. I was able to cross into my 3rd century of Bike Riding. Yes, 300 miles of Bike riding since 5th April 2013. It is a serious step to take action against the huge gap in disposable income for families in India. There are many families who can't afford to send their child to school with a packed lunch.

The Akshaya Patra Foundation bridges the gap to provide a mid-day meal, a nutritious meal, a pure, healthy meal, so that children can concentrate on their studies.

I went into Philips Park again, and i saw an advertisement for Recycling Bikes.


Anyone living in the Manchester region, and wants to recycle their Bike, then have a look at the link.

Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog


SMILE Check the Number of Miles our Team Have Done

SMILE Donate to Feed a Child >>> you will be recipient to their Blessings no doubt


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