Wednesday 24 July 2013

An official letter from Harin Thaker (Chairman of The Akshaya Patra Foundation ) with regards the Deaths in Bihar

I have authorisation to share an official letter that was addressed from Harin Thaker (Chairman of The Akshaya Patra Foundation ).

This letter is in response to the unfournate deaths of 25 children aged between 4 & 12 Yrs old, in Bihar.

Akshaya Patra Foundation does not supply food in Bihar. The letter goes onto say that Akshaya Patra has Compliance with ISO22000, Has good manufacturing practices, Supplier Quality Management, Quality Control, and Stores Best Practices. In light of what has happened, Akshaya Patra send their condolences to the families involved. There is mention about how Akshaya Patra is thankful for all the support that they get, and they are still targeting to feed 5 million children by 2020.

Communication is important, and i find Akshaya Patra are doing all they can to communicate, their moral responsibility, understanding, and sensitivity to what has happened.

I also attach an article from the New York Times : By  Shoba Narayan: Please read if possible.

The New York Times Article highlights how the Mid Day School Lunch can go all wrong Simply because of Corruption. Schools providing the food are not checking the Quality of the Food etc. The article mentions, that hopefully, a panel will be set up to make sure that this does not happen again ,??

It is yet to be seen.

As far as Akshaya Patra Foundation is concerned, Quality of food is very important, and they have many processes in place to make sure the Children get a nutritious meal every School Day.

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