Sunday 28 July 2013

25th July 2013 II "Narad" II Bike Ride.

Tash Chadda did 14 miles on the 25th July 2013. This day is to be named II "Narad" II Bike Ride.

On 27th July 2013 II"Brahma" II Bike Ride, Tash & Sandeep Tandön also went on their Bikes. Sandeep has now completed his target of 250 miles. Many congratulations to him. It was sheer effort on his side to complete his goal to kick hunger. He surely has achieved his Goal.

Tash has been Bike Riding way into the early hours of the morning. Tash did a 31 mile Bike Ride Stunt on 27th July.

In total Tash has a total of 289 miles. Tash still has a goal to achieve 400 miles. Let's Go !!! Come on Tash, you can do it !!  Sandeep has gone over his target by 12.85 miles, bringing his total to 262.85 miles.

Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog

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