Sunday 21 July 2013

Today, 21st July 2013, is II "Himachal" II Bike Ride.

Just to remind you all, on 15th July 2013, II "Vaidehi" II Run 2013, Archna Gohil completed 5.7 miles Run. Way to Go ! Archna has completed 21.43 miles already. This is a huge achievement given that she is running and not Biking. Moving on to Today, 21st July 2013, Akaash Duggal and Sandeep Tandön completed 31.78 miles. Today, 21st July 2013, is II "Himachal" II Bike Ride. The Boy's, Akaash in II "Uttara Khand" II Group , and Sandeep in II "Lanka Khand" II Team, have certainly reached new Heights under II "Himachal" II Bike Ride. Tash Chadda has just updated me. He has racked upto 244 miles. Tash has gone from 167 miles to 244 miles. This is an increase of 77 miles.

Hunger, be scared , because the Team are Building up the Heat.

Sandeep is very close to his target >>> He has achieved 239.09 miles. His target is 250 Miles. I am sure he will achieve this.

Akaash had set out to do 100 miles, but he has gone strength on strength, and he has acheived 204.32 miles. Congratulations for achieving your 2nd Century. !!!

All the energy that has been used will not go to waste. This energy is submitted in the feet of Bhagwati Maa. I am sure Maa Ambe will smile , and in turn , the Children will smile. Mata Di Priya Ho ! Shree Radha Priya Ho.

Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog

SMILE Check the Number of Miles our Team Have Done

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