Wednesday 3 July 2013

Today is II "Nandi" II Bike Ride.

It goes without saying our thought's are for the people who are suffering in India, and have no home to live in. Many people have died. People who have survived are finding it very difficult.

Now, many people have stood up to help the people in need.
Morari Bapu is already putting wheels in motion to get help for people in need.

Check the Link

If anyone wishes to donate for the Uttharakhand Emergency Relief, please let me know, and we already have money that will be sent to an account, and under the guidance of Morari Bapu, that money will spent in a very useful way.

I also pledge to support the UttharaKhand Emergency Relief fund. I ask yourself to walk hand in hand to support the Emergency Request for Donation if at all possible.

I can see more SO, the relevancy of the Akhshaya Patra. It has been confirmed in the news that they have helped many people already. The money will go towards the Children. In the calamity that has happened, it is many children that have suffered again. I am sure in some shape or form, our donation will also help those that have suffered also.

Today is II "Nandi" II Bike Ride. Many thanks to Rupeen Popat for the Bike Ride name. I joined Tash Chadda for a Bike Ride. We started from Philips Park and went all the way through to Salford.

I completed 9.98 miles today. I will add on Tash's Bike Ride miles later on.

Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog

SMILE Check the Number of Miles our Team Have Done

SMILE Donate to Feed a Child >>> you will be recipient to their Blessings no doubt

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