Thursday 4 July 2013

Today is 4th July 2013, II "Mahesh" II Bike Ride.

Today, I Bike Ride with Aashish in protest against Hunger , and to Also remember the destruction caused by the.Floods.

Today is 4th July 2013, II "Mahesh" II Bike Ride. Many thanks to Rupeen Popat for the Bike Ride name.

I completed a Solo Bike Ride of 4.93 miles through Philips Park. The stretch which is uphill is a right killer. It really does test you. It is not an easy 4.93 miles. Hahaha.

I was enthralled by the Huge Tree's in the Park. Please have a look at the photo's.

Aashish did his 0.65 miles. I was running behind him, so i will include this in the Running Section !
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