Saturday 29 June 2013

Today is 29th June 2013 II "Shiv" II Bike Ride / Run.

Today is 29th June 2013 II "Shiv" II Bike Ride / Run.
Kuntal Hariyani, many thanks for your invaluable input, for choosing the Bike Ride Names.
I would like to welcome Tash Chadda to the team. He will be doing many miles for the team. I am glad to say he will probably beat my Bike Ride miles , and that is a huge feat. Tash says "It is all in aid of charity" .
Tash has already clocked upto 68.58 miles already.
He is truly an eager beaver. Tash joins II "Aranya Khand' II Team.

Shailen did the following Bike Rides. Overall, from 24th to 28th June 2013, he completed 29.5 miles. Well done to Shailen. Shailen managed to do Bike Riding on particular days when no one else actually did a Bike Ride. I have had to name those Day's myself.
24th June 2013 - II "Kaikei" II - 6.8 miles
25th June 2013 - II "Prataapbhanu' II Bike RIde - 6.6 miles
26th June 2013 - II "Daksh" II Bike Ride - 10.3 miles
27th June 2013 - II "Prahlada" II Bike Ride - 4 miles
28th June 2013 - II "Sati" II Bike Ride - 1.8 miles

Many thanks for everyone's effort's to such a good cause, to Kick Hunger.

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Friday 28 June 2013

Today is 28th June 2013 , II "Sati" II Bike Ride / Run.

Today is 28th June 2013 , II "Sati" II Bike Ride / Run. Archna Gohil started early morning at 6am, and completed 7 miles. I completed a 12.80 Bike Ride. It was raining today, but i thoroughly enjoyed Riding to Kick Hunger.

Many thanks to Kuntal Hariyani for naming the Bike Ride. I appreciate your invaluable input.

I took some pictures of another Park i visited in Salford. I could see Salford University in the distance, where i completed my Degree. I saw duck's , and a man sat under an umbrella either having a nap , or fishing.

Please see the Various photo's i took today. I also took a picture of some graffiti on a wall.

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Thursday 27 June 2013

The amount left to reach our Target >> £952.38

Target >> £5000.00 to feed a 2nd school.

By Defining Our goal, we can aspire to achieve it. It makes it clearer on what we want to achieve. We can strive to hopefully reach the target. Let’s get together, and we may be able to sponsor another School. This will be great for the children out there.

Let’s get the Literacy Rates up By providing food , and let’s squash  Malnutrition.

So,  the amount left to reach our Target  >> £952.38

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II Sangachadvam Samvadadvam Sam Vo Manaamsi Janatham II

This is no job of 1 person, but of a team of so many hearts

I have changed a bit of the write up, on the front donation page . I am tweaking it so that it can reflect the group effort. This is no job of 1 person, but of a team of so many hearts that want to make a difference.

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Yesterday 26th June 2013, was named II "Daksh" II Bike Ride.

Yesterday 26th June 2013, was named II "Daksh" II Bike Ride.
I thank Kuntal Hariyani for choosing the name. I really appreciate your input.

There was 3 different points of Activity going on more or less at the same time, in different places. There was 2 Bike Ride's , and 1 Run. Akaash Duggal started Bike Ride :@1900 hrs, Sandeep Tandön started Bike Ride @1950 hrs, and Praveen Astonish Mangal started his Run at 1845 hrs. Sandeep clocked 19.98 miles, (the Tyres must have been Hot Hot ! haha) , Akaash drove up 7.25 miles (he's still rocking the corridor's, although he has reached his target) , and Praveen Road Runned 4.05 miles.

Altogether, we have totalled 800.09 Bike Ride miles, and 35 Running Miles = Totalling 835.09 Miles.

Akaash has totalled 147.54 Bike Ride Miles
Sandeep has totalled 155.56 Bike Ride miles
Praveen has totalled 19.1 miles.

Well done to them all , and to all the Bike Rider's and Runner's.

We have an addition to the team. II "Tanvi" II. She is only 10 months old. Can you believe. She is part of the team. She is doing her rounds , around the neighbourhood with the help of her mum Manreet Kaur Kohli. I Saw Tanvi in action , and she looked so cute. Please check her Road Runner Picture.
We should her applaud her for being the youngest Bike Rider on the Team.
Tanvi joins the II "Ayodhya Khand" II Team.

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Monday 24 June 2013

Today 24th June 2013 is II "Kaikei" II Bike Ride / Run.

Today 24th June 2013 is II "Kaikei" II Bike Ride / Run. II "Kaikei" II Maa, such an Honourable Name. Lord Ram showed Ultimate Respect for II "Kaikei" II Maa.

Archna Gohil set off on a good start today. Archana joins the II "Lanka Khand" II Group. It is good to know that we have an Active Runner as well Bike Rider's.
Archana completed 5 Miles. Super start. There are much more miles to come from Archana ji.

Praveen Astonish Mangal did 4.15 miles today. Well done.

Shailen Seth completed 6.8 miles on his Bike Today.

Today was very productive with 2 Runner's and 1 Bike Rider.

The Pace is getting Stronger. In total as a Team we have completed 772.86 Bike Ride miles and 31.24 Running Miles.

The Pace is on to Kick Hunger. This a natural flow of energy that is being produced , and in the end will put in the feet of the Lord, God, Bhagwan, Malik. We humbly put our efforts to God and Pray. It is only By Bhagwati Maa Shakti that anything can be done. We get satisfaction let alone in this.

This is a Huge Team Prayer to combat Hunger.

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The Team Colour's are shown :

The Team Colour's are shown :

II "SiyaRam" II Bike Rider's are Red with Shade >Purple

II "SiyaRam" II Runner's are Blue/White with Shade Green

Please have a look : The Spreadsheet Look is a Bit Different.

It is a New Look and will give the Whole Team a New Look.

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Sunday 23 June 2013

Today's Run 23rd June 2013 has been Named II "Angad" II Run

Praveen Astonish Mangal did a Bike Ride on 17th June 2013. The 17th June 2013 Bike Ride has been named by Praveen himself : II "Indrajeet" II Bike Ride.

Shailen did his Bike Ride on the 22nd June 2013.
Vijay Chandegra also did a Run on 22nd June 2013, and as mentioned Mahesh Karia has named this Day as II "Janki" II Bike Ride.

Today 23rd June 2012, Vijay ran a total of 6.84 miles . Today's Run has been Named II "Angad" II Run. Many Thanks go to Saket Soni & Kalyani ji for choosing this Name. Angad seems to be such a loveable Character.

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Shailen Seth started his Bike Ride Mission on 11th June 2013.

Shailen Seth started his Bike Ride Mission on 11th June 2013.

Here is a low down of his activity: He has done 48.9 miles .

Shailen did 5.1 miles on 11th June 2013 II "Sunayana" II Bike Ride

Shailen did 5.1 miles on 12th June 2013 II "Trijata" II Bike Ride

Shailen did 5.1 miles on 13th June 2013 II "Bali" II Bike Ride

Shailen did 1.8 miles on 14th June 2013 II "Kumbhkaran" II Bike Ride

Radhika Jairath named 13th & 14th June 2013 Bike Ride: Many thanks xxx

Shailen did 1.8 miles on 15th June 2013 II "Nal-Neel" II Bike Ride

Shailen did 0.4 miles on 16th June 2013 II "Vishwamitra" II Bike Ride

Many thanks to Bhupendrasinh Jethwa for giving this Name : Maha Muni Vishwamitra.

Shailen did 4.2 miles on 17th June 2013 II "Sushena" II Bike Ride.

Many thanks to Bhupendra Bhai again for providing the Name.

Shailen did 4.9 miles on 18th June 2013 II "Agastya" II Bike Ride.

Shailen did 1.8 miles on 19th June 2013 II "Ansuya" II Bike Ride.

I decided to the Names for the 18th and 19th June 2013

Shailen did 6.3 miles on 20th June 2013 II "Malyavant" II Bike Ride

Shailen did 8.2 miles on 21st June 2013 II "Arundhati" II Bike Ride

Shailen did 4.2 miles on 22nd June 2013 II "Janki" II Bike Ride.

Many thanks to Mahesh Karia for giving this Bike Ride Name. Invaluable input indeed.

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There were some of the Bike Ride Day's that were not named :

There were some of the Bike Ride Day's that were not named, so i thought i have a go at naming some of them. The Names are as follows:

21st April 2013 - II "Bharadvaj" II Bike Ride
26th April 2013 - II "Sutikshan" II Bike Ride
28th April 2013 - II "Sugriva" II Bike Ride
1st May 2013 - II "Surphanka" II Bike Ride.

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Saturday 22 June 2013

An Addition to the II "SiyaRam" II Running Team on 23rd June 2013

Development's for A Smile for Millions of Children 250 Miles Plus Bike Ride / Marathon Run 2013 :

Firstly , i would like to introduce Archna Gohil to the Running Team who will be running for the II "SiyaRam" II Team. Archana joins the II "Lanka Khand" II group.

Secondly, we have Manoranjan Satpathy who also joins the Running Team. Manoranjan joins the II "Uttara Khand" II group.

Vijay Chandegra joins the II "SiyaRam" II Running Team also. He in fact did a 7 Km Run today.  Vijay joins the II "Bal Khand" II group.

I wish everyone who has already participated, and who are going to be playing a part in this huge Cause to Kick Hunger.

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Friday 21 June 2013

21st June 2013 was II "Arundhati" II Bike Ride.

21st June 2013 was II "Arundhati" II Bike Ride.

Many thanks to Mukund Chudasama for the name.

Vaidehi was at school collecting her Sponsor money yesterday. Vaidehi told me that 1 particular teacher was eager to give her the money, so she thought to collect . God bless her x

Sandeep Tandön struck a chord today and Biked 17.38 miles. Well Done.

Myself, i did 4.81 miles today. I was able to take a photo of Gau Mata, and, there was a lovely , gracious flower that i noticed, and could not resist taking a snap.

Today , i would like to introduce Praveen Astonish Mangal who is officially on the Team. Praveen will be part of the running team. She has already made her mark, and has already ran 10.9 miles in aid of A Smile for Millions of Children Running Marathon 2013.

Praveen will be joining the II "Sundar Khand" II Group. She will join a whole group of Bike Rider's.

Praveen ji completed 4.3 miles under the II "Arundhati" II Bike Ride. Here is a low down of her activity since coming on board the II "SiyaRam" II Team.

20th June 2013 II "Malyavant" II Running - 4.1 miles

17th June 2013 (yet to be named ) - 2.5 miles.

If anyone wants to join our A Smile for Millions of Children Running Marathon 2013 Team, then please contact me.
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When i started The Bike Ride on 5th April 2013 :

When i started The Bike Ride on 5th April 2013, no Bike Ride name was given for this day , or for any Bike Ride that we all did upto until 1st May 2013. Mukund Chudasama showered me with some Power Blast, beautiful names from the Ramayan. Mahesh Karia has given me a couple of names. I have added the names to the dates showing on the spreadsheet. I will choose 1 of the names, both from Mahesh and Mukund Bhai for a live Bike Ride Day, but the other names chosen from both of them are shown below and allocated to the days shown.

Many thanks Mukund Bhai

5th April 2013 II "Sumant" II Bike Ride
9th April 2013 II "Janak" II Bike Ride
10th April 2013 II "Mahadev" II Bike Ride
15th April 2013 II "Bhusundi" II Bike Ride

Many thanks Mahesh Bhai
20th April 2013 II "Siya" II Bike Ride

I have added a picture with II "Bhusundi" II in my collage, with Morari Bapu , and the main Chopai which was taken in Manas Bhusundi Ramayan , Bhusundi Sarovar Lake.

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Thursday 20 June 2013

Today is 20th June 2013, II "Malyavant" II Bike Ride.

Today is 20th June 2013, II "Malyavant" II Bike Ride. (Malyavant - Maternal grandfather of Ravana, Ravana's trusted minister and adviser).

I completed 4.81 miles in protest against Hunger.

Many thanks to Mahesh Vadukul for the Bike Ride name. i really appreciate your input.

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Monday 17 June 2013

15th June 2013 was II "Nal-Neel" II Bike Ride.

15th June 2013 was II "Nal-Neel" II Bike Ride. Although i have completed 250 Miles i still feel that the extra miles are going to make the Movement Stronger- The Movement Against Child Hunger.  No efforts will go in vain.

I can feel The Beats Get Stronger- The Heart is beating to make a change.

Officially we have had 23 Bike Rider's who have pedalled, and did some miles.
Their Heart Beat Beated slightly faster than it normally did on the day. I am very sure that God knew about it too.

It is not just the money that is coming in, Those Hearts are working harder. If those Hearts are working harder, with God sat in our hearts, i reckon God is working harder too. hahahaha..

Ok, so , i completed approximately 4.93 miles on the day.

For my Bike Ride i went to Philips Park.

As you can see from the 1st photo, it truly is scenic. The Greenery is amazing.

The 2nd Photo- I was taking a photo of this Huge Tree, and the Passer-By was asking what kind of shot i was taking. I just loved this Huge Tree.

The 3rd Photo is a closer shot of the Tree.

The 4th Photo is absolutely lovely. It shows the view ahead in it's entirety.

Many thanks to Darshna ji and Bhavnish Bhai for the Bike Ride name.

"Setubandh" - A Bridge that brings thoughts, efforts , understanding together to make a difference.

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Friday 14 June 2013

Setubandh- the bridging of different Activities to achieve one goal.

In Conjunction with A Smile For Millions of Children AkshayaPatra 250 Miles.Plus Bike Ride, there will be another Activity * Akshaya Patra Marathon Run... Not only do we have (Setubandh - Bridge of our community - Children,Men,Women from different parts of The Uk get together for the Bike Ride) , we have another Activity Force that will run on the Same Platform as the Bike Ride " . It"s another synergy effort to sponsor another School.

Setubandh- the bridging of different Activities to achieve one goal.

We Pray to God, Give us the Energy to fight against Hunger , Malnutrition

Please see

I am making changes to the Spreadsheet so it accomodates both Bike Ride and Running Activity.

I will introduce you to the Running team when everything is confirmed.

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Wednesday 12 June 2013

Today is 12th June 2013 II "Trijata" II Bike Ride.

Today is 12th June 2013 II "Trijata" II Bike Ride. I pedalled to Protest Against Unbalanced Samaaj Aarthik Paristitee (the very unbalanced state of people money where there are many People who are rich, and are getting richer, and the poor are just struggling,,, why ,,, we have a corrupt Indian gov:t - ) we still need to help those that need help.

(India is a very Rich Country - but we have a lot of poor people) . This Gap needs to be narrowed down.

Lets Quash Malnutrition, and lets wish for a day where there will be more no more hunger, and , therefore no need for a Mid -day meal, but for now , the help.must carry on , and we need to put food on the plates of those children who rightfully deserve it.

Such a powerful.character "Trijata" .

Many thanks to Darshna Waghela Bhavnish Waghela & family for the names, i appreciate your valuable input.

I started on 5th April 2013 and have continued to Ride my Bike , and , now.on 12th June 2013, i have completed 250 miles.

250 miles completed!! it was a worthwhile journey .. i am looking forward to Bike Riding with my II "SiyaRam " II Bike Ride team. Hail to Children with a right to food and education. Every Child has a right.

I completed 23 miles today on the auspicious II "Trijata" II Bike Ride name. II "Trijata" II solaces Maa Janki when. the whole situation was out of their hands, and things were unthinkable- being parted from II "Ram" II.

Likewise, everyone has hardship in life but if we look above Maa , Lord, God, Malik, ki Karuna is flowing.

With God"s Compassion to do many things and help others.Without his grace, we cant lift a thing. So all Grace to.SadGuru, Bhagvan, Lord, Malik.

The journey has not ended, there are more exciting events to look forward. The Journey never ends.

Lets Continue our Bike Rides until 31st July 2013, and.protest against Child Hunger.

This is surely a Team Effort, Setubandh- A Bridge of Unity- building A Voice to Protest Against Child Hunger & We have Taken Action together to Sponsor 1 school . Let’s Strive for 2.

The Youtube video of my Bike Ride : It shows part of my 23 mile Bike Ride: I did the Kirklees Trail in Bury.

You will get to see me riding my Bike , and if you look through the Video , you will see myself in the Video. Oh No.. Hahaha,

You will also see a farm, and some eggs on a table. As i went pass a Man with his dog, he was saying to a child with his mother, throw the eggs at Simon Cowell `!! hahaa .. As you watch the Video, You won't be able to smell the strong smell of Horse manure that i came across. You will also see the bridge i cross with a massive lake on the side.

II "Trijata" II Bike Ride : 12th June 2013 II "SiyaRam" II Bike RIder Abhishek II "Lanka Khand" II

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Tuesday 11 June 2013

Today is 11th June 2013, II "Sunayana" II Bike Ride.

Today is 11th June 2013, II "Sunayana" II Bike Ride. Vaidehi and Aashish did a small Bike Ride, but i could hear the Passion , and could hear the Sounds and Energy coming from the Bike's. I felt the Vibes saying , "we must do something, we must step up and help and fight for the Children's Rights to food and education" .

I have recorded a small footage, and you may be able to hear it yourself. I will add this on seperately. I will hopefully add this on today in the comments box of this post.
II "Sunayana" II Bike Ride: 11th June 2013 II "SiyaRam" II Bike Rider Aashish II "Aranya Khand" II

A small Video of Aashish Bike Riding

Finally , i would like to introduce Shailen. He will be joining the II "SiyaRam " II Bike Rider Team. He joins the II "Kishkinda Khand" II group. We all support his efforts, and look forward to see him protest against Hunger, Malnutrition.

Many thanks to Darshna Waghela Bhavnish Waghela &Family for the Bike Ride Name. I really appreciate your input.

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Finally, The Malnutrition Collage. Lovely and Colourful,

Finally, The Malnutrition Collage. Lovely and Colourful,

Akshaya Patra sets out to make A Child's Life Colourful and Lovely, primarily by providing Nutritious Food.

This Nutritious Food is a ticket to Essential Education.

Everything Stems from Food.

Food is God. annam bramhethi vyajaanaat

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