Monday 24 June 2013

Today 24th June 2013 is II "Kaikei" II Bike Ride / Run.

Today 24th June 2013 is II "Kaikei" II Bike Ride / Run. II "Kaikei" II Maa, such an Honourable Name. Lord Ram showed Ultimate Respect for II "Kaikei" II Maa.

Archna Gohil set off on a good start today. Archana joins the II "Lanka Khand" II Group. It is good to know that we have an Active Runner as well Bike Rider's.
Archana completed 5 Miles. Super start. There are much more miles to come from Archana ji.

Praveen Astonish Mangal did 4.15 miles today. Well done.

Shailen Seth completed 6.8 miles on his Bike Today.

Today was very productive with 2 Runner's and 1 Bike Rider.

The Pace is getting Stronger. In total as a Team we have completed 772.86 Bike Ride miles and 31.24 Running Miles.

The Pace is on to Kick Hunger. This a natural flow of energy that is being produced , and in the end will put in the feet of the Lord, God, Bhagwan, Malik. We humbly put our efforts to God and Pray. It is only By Bhagwati Maa Shakti that anything can be done. We get satisfaction let alone in this.

This is a Huge Team Prayer to combat Hunger.

Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog

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