Saturday 29 June 2013

Today is 29th June 2013 II "Shiv" II Bike Ride / Run.

Today is 29th June 2013 II "Shiv" II Bike Ride / Run.
Kuntal Hariyani, many thanks for your invaluable input, for choosing the Bike Ride Names.
I would like to welcome Tash Chadda to the team. He will be doing many miles for the team. I am glad to say he will probably beat my Bike Ride miles , and that is a huge feat. Tash says "It is all in aid of charity" .
Tash has already clocked upto 68.58 miles already.
He is truly an eager beaver. Tash joins II "Aranya Khand' II Team.

Shailen did the following Bike Rides. Overall, from 24th to 28th June 2013, he completed 29.5 miles. Well done to Shailen. Shailen managed to do Bike Riding on particular days when no one else actually did a Bike Ride. I have had to name those Day's myself.
24th June 2013 - II "Kaikei" II - 6.8 miles
25th June 2013 - II "Prataapbhanu' II Bike RIde - 6.6 miles
26th June 2013 - II "Daksh" II Bike Ride - 10.3 miles
27th June 2013 - II "Prahlada" II Bike Ride - 4 miles
28th June 2013 - II "Sati" II Bike Ride - 1.8 miles

Many thanks for everyone's effort's to such a good cause, to Kick Hunger.

Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog

SMILE Check the Number of Miles our Team Have Done

SMILE Donate to Feed a Child >>> you will be recipient to their Blessings no doubt

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