Friday 21 June 2013

21st June 2013 was II "Arundhati" II Bike Ride.

21st June 2013 was II "Arundhati" II Bike Ride.

Many thanks to Mukund Chudasama for the name.

Vaidehi was at school collecting her Sponsor money yesterday. Vaidehi told me that 1 particular teacher was eager to give her the money, so she thought to collect . God bless her x

Sandeep Tandön struck a chord today and Biked 17.38 miles. Well Done.

Myself, i did 4.81 miles today. I was able to take a photo of Gau Mata, and, there was a lovely , gracious flower that i noticed, and could not resist taking a snap.

Today , i would like to introduce Praveen Astonish Mangal who is officially on the Team. Praveen will be part of the running team. She has already made her mark, and has already ran 10.9 miles in aid of A Smile for Millions of Children Running Marathon 2013.

Praveen will be joining the II "Sundar Khand" II Group. She will join a whole group of Bike Rider's.

Praveen ji completed 4.3 miles under the II "Arundhati" II Bike Ride. Here is a low down of her activity since coming on board the II "SiyaRam" II Team.

20th June 2013 II "Malyavant" II Running - 4.1 miles

17th June 2013 (yet to be named ) - 2.5 miles.

If anyone wants to join our A Smile for Millions of Children Running Marathon 2013 Team, then please contact me.
Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog

SMILE Check the Number of Miles our Team Have Done

SMILE Donate to Feed a Child >>> you will be recepient to their Blessings no doubt

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