Tuesday 4 June 2013

Today, 4th June 2013, is II "Mandakini" II Bike Ride.

Yesterday, 3rd June was II "Saryu" II Bike Ride. Hema ji completed 9 miles.

Today, 4th June 2013, is II "Mandakini" II Bike Ride. Hema Barai pedalled 9 miles. Viresh Barai was also able to pump up to 9 miles. I really commend your efforts. Best wishes to you.

II "Saryu" II & II "Mandakini" II Bike Ride was named By Viresh,Hema ji & Family

Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog


SMILE Check the Number of Miles our Team Have Done

SMILE Donate to Feed a Child >>> you will be recepient to their Blessings no doubt


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