Saturday 1 June 2013

Today's Bike Ride : 1st June 2013 as II "Luv-Kush" II Bike Ride!.

First of all, i have just got update that Hema Barai ji did a Bike Ride on 27th May 2013. Hema Barai ji did Bike Ride on 27th May 2013 : Kusam Duggal has named this Bike Ride: So : 27th May 2013 : was II "Valmiki" II Bike Ride: No Bike Ride was done apart from Hema Ji's : So this is the official Bike Ride Name for that day:

On 31st May 2013 : as you know we all got together and did II "Ravan" II Bike Ride. We all totalled up a Massive 39.7 Miles. It Twas a Big Bike Ride Day : God Bless you all. The Joint Energy that we have created together will bring about a New Tommorow.

Viresh Barai ji did Bike Ride today. Reeya, Ansh, Vaidehi and Aashish also did their Bike Ride: Jyoti Nanda has named today's Bike Ride : 1st June 2013 as II "Luv-Kush" II Bike Ride!.

Viresh Bhai clocked a huge amazing 12 miles today !! This is truly great.
Reeya , Ansh and Vaidehi Clocked 1.59 miles. Aashish did 1 mile.

Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog

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