Monday 17 June 2013

15th June 2013 was II "Nal-Neel" II Bike Ride.

15th June 2013 was II "Nal-Neel" II Bike Ride. Although i have completed 250 Miles i still feel that the extra miles are going to make the Movement Stronger- The Movement Against Child Hunger.  No efforts will go in vain.

I can feel The Beats Get Stronger- The Heart is beating to make a change.

Officially we have had 23 Bike Rider's who have pedalled, and did some miles.
Their Heart Beat Beated slightly faster than it normally did on the day. I am very sure that God knew about it too.

It is not just the money that is coming in, Those Hearts are working harder. If those Hearts are working harder, with God sat in our hearts, i reckon God is working harder too. hahahaha..

Ok, so , i completed approximately 4.93 miles on the day.

For my Bike Ride i went to Philips Park.

As you can see from the 1st photo, it truly is scenic. The Greenery is amazing.

The 2nd Photo- I was taking a photo of this Huge Tree, and the Passer-By was asking what kind of shot i was taking. I just loved this Huge Tree.

The 3rd Photo is a closer shot of the Tree.

The 4th Photo is absolutely lovely. It shows the view ahead in it's entirety.

Many thanks to Darshna ji and Bhavnish Bhai for the Bike Ride name.

"Setubandh" - A Bridge that brings thoughts, efforts , understanding together to make a difference.

Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog

SMILE Check the Number of Miles our Team Have Done

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