Thursday 27 June 2013

Yesterday 26th June 2013, was named II "Daksh" II Bike Ride.

Yesterday 26th June 2013, was named II "Daksh" II Bike Ride.
I thank Kuntal Hariyani for choosing the name. I really appreciate your input.

There was 3 different points of Activity going on more or less at the same time, in different places. There was 2 Bike Ride's , and 1 Run. Akaash Duggal started Bike Ride :@1900 hrs, Sandeep Tandön started Bike Ride @1950 hrs, and Praveen Astonish Mangal started his Run at 1845 hrs. Sandeep clocked 19.98 miles, (the Tyres must have been Hot Hot ! haha) , Akaash drove up 7.25 miles (he's still rocking the corridor's, although he has reached his target) , and Praveen Road Runned 4.05 miles.

Altogether, we have totalled 800.09 Bike Ride miles, and 35 Running Miles = Totalling 835.09 Miles.

Akaash has totalled 147.54 Bike Ride Miles
Sandeep has totalled 155.56 Bike Ride miles
Praveen has totalled 19.1 miles.

Well done to them all , and to all the Bike Rider's and Runner's.

We have an addition to the team. II "Tanvi" II. She is only 10 months old. Can you believe. She is part of the team. She is doing her rounds , around the neighbourhood with the help of her mum Manreet Kaur Kohli. I Saw Tanvi in action , and she looked so cute. Please check her Road Runner Picture.
We should her applaud her for being the youngest Bike Rider on the Team.
Tanvi joins the II "Ayodhya Khand" II Team.

Have a Look At Our A Smile For Million of Children Blog

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